Overly Nice

Feeling out of place, Shen Xi proceeded into the study. 

Fu Handing gave a detailed account of the blurry images in his head to the siblings. 

The flashbacks brought him back to when he was trapped in a wooden cabin that was on fire. Amid the blaze, he saw a blurry figure disappear out of sight. 

It sparked a deadly look from Fu Qingli. Feeling the fire within him burn, Fu Qingli clenched his fists tightly. "Dad, please work with Xixi and go for another round of hypnotherapy." 

The matter should not be put on hold anymore. Since Dad was starting to show signs of recovery, it would be best if he could get his memory back once and for all in case any issues come up down the road.

The mastermind had to be caught as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would remain a sword hanging over the family's head. The next shot in the dark might be lethal to the family.