Bai family's integrity, the deep virtue of being concerned for all the people in the world, and the broad benevolence and righteousness that embraces the world. These are the qualities that a ruler should have. No matter whether the eldest miss was paving the way for Bai Qingjue, the seventh son of the Bai family, or intending to proclaim herself as Empress, Ji Tingyu was willing to sacrifice his flesh and blood to pave the way for the eldest miss, with no regrets in life or death.
When Bai Qingyan returned to Qinghui Courtyard, Doctor Hong had already been waiting there for a long time. "Eldest miss, Doctor Hong is here..." Nanny Tong greeted Bai Qingyan as she approached.
Doctor Hong, upon learning of Bai Qingyan's return, stepped over the threshold and saluted Bai Qingyan. "Commandery Princess."