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Fan zhongjin left the office and saw Bai Yuqiao coming in.

"Good day, teacher fan."

There was one class in the top class that fan zhongjin taught.

He was immediately overjoyed. there's a competition question in the physics homework for the weekend. Only you and Wang Dongqing managed to solve it. Not bad. Keep up the good work.

Bai Yuqiao didn't smile too much. If she was the only one who could do it, she would be happy.

As long as there was someone like her, this honor would be meaningless.

Bai Yuqiao nodded at fan zhongjin and entered the house. She glanced at su ye. He must have been scolded by the teacher because he did not do well in the exam. He still had that ever-calm face. It seemed that he was used to being scolded and was beyond saving.

As for herself, every time she was called to the office by Gao Shengnan, she would either be praised or asked to help a classmate.