Breaking Through the City Gate!

"Your Highness, Rong Mo seems to have locked onto Second Master Gui." Violet Spirit didn't look at Ye Qianli. Instead, she looked into the city with a grave expression.

"It's not a possibility, it's a certainty. Moreover, I'm afraid that we won't rest until one of us dies." Xuan Tianyan's expression was even more solemn than Purple Spirit's. His temples were even throbbing.

Perhaps the Violet Spirit didn't know, but he knew it very well! Rong Mo, who had lost two strands of his hair, would be extremely terrifying. He would definitely resort to all means!

After all, Rong Mo had killed a genius young master of a big family in the Blue Dragon Dynasty because he lost a strand of hair in the Genius Academy! Not only that…

"Back then, Rong Mo killed the young master of the Green Dragon An family. In less than a year, the entire family was wiped out. Do you know who did it? It was him, Rong Mo…This lunatic." Xuan Tianyan muttered to himself.