Rong Sour Online! Little Mo ... 1

He didn't know if she liked it or not, but she should like it. Otherwise, her eyes wouldn't be so stunned. Well, it was good that she liked it. Then he…

"Very good, it looks like my cousin's little sparrow." Ye Qianli nodded her head in agreement, which made Rong Mo secretly happy at first, but then he almost vomited blood!

Little Rainbow? A sparrow?

Bird ... He looked like a bird?

"Prince Taixu, please." Ye Qianli, who had finished her comment like a queen, said. She didn't care if the other party would be angry or not. She was telling the truth anyway. Besides, if this person could fly into a rage and return to the Great Void in a fit of anger, it would be better.

After all, she didn't like this person. This person's father even coveted her mother. Although she was a little gossipy, she was very disgusted with anyone who wanted to marry her mother with impure motives!