The Chicken Leaves The Egg, The Truth Revealed

"I only wish to be loyal to the princess. I hope the princess can take me in." The snow maidens had already bowed down in the main hall.

This caused Granny Liao to look at the empress in astonishment. After all, the snow maidens and the Sky Snow Sect Master had the same intention. They both expressed that they wanted the snow maidens to marry into Wangtian City.

Granny Liao didn't reject her outright. After all, if the snow maidens hadn't saved Liao Zongming first, he wouldn't have had anything to do with it, even if Liao Zongming had saved the snow maidens later.


“..”The Sky Snow Sect Master didn't say anything. Firstly, she knew that a person of her status didn't have the right to appear at such an occasion.

Secondly, everyone knew that the little princess was a popular figure in the Nine States. Becoming a maid of the princess was indeed not inferior to becoming the wife of City Lord Liao, but it was not as famous.