Little Leopard Is So Shy!

The empress said coldly, " Those who jumped out just now and told us not to pursue the matter, step forward. "

For a moment, those who were begging for mercy fell silent. Of course, they didn't stand up either. They were so cowardly. How could they stand up just like that?

However, the empress continued, " Those who stand out will have their corpses intact.Those who did not stand up would have their souls scattered and would never be able to reincarnate. Think about it yourself."

This time, many people looked pale and sweaty as they looked at Emperor Buzhou. They wanted to ask the latter to speak, but how could Emperor Buzhou have the face to say it?

Moreover, Emperor Bu Zhou knew that no matter what he said, the empress would not change her mind. It would be futile to say anything more. Moreover, he really didn't want to say anything.