A Father's Love Is Like A Mountain!

In such a state, the Magic Box could not help but comment, " Idiot, I'm afraid your father is going to die. " It knew Ye Batian's situation very well. He had lost the protection of his divine body. He definitely couldn't resist the collapse of the domain.

After all, this kind of irreversible collapse was already very difficult to resist. When Ye Ba's divine body was in good condition, the magic box didn't even think highly of him, let alone now.

Unless Rong Mo used the Time and Space Reversal again, he could reverse Ye Batian's miserable state like how he saved the Empress. However, the order of time and space in this area was already in chaos. It could not withstand the Time and Space Reversal at all.

Moreover, the collapse of this region was closely related to Ye Batian's " life ". Once the space-time reversal accelerated and detonated the entire region, Ye Batian would have no chance of survival.