Greetings, State Preceptor's Father!

Ye Qianli's heart skipped a beat. " What now? "

"Nothing. I just wanted to remind you to tell your little demon not to eat the Nine Abyss Stone. He ate it last time."

"He ate it?" Ye Qianli really did not remember this. She lowered her head and said to her son, " Yi 'er, we won't eat rocks this time. "

"Ah?" Little Rong Yi did not understand. Why couldn't he eat it? He could eat it the last time. This was even better. Why couldn't he eat it? He wanted to eat.

Ye Qianli, who could tell that he was drooling, was speechless. She didn't expect her son to be able to eat rocks and not have indigestion!

However ...

Ye Qianli thought so!

The " state preceptor " spoke again, " Yi 'er, I won't eat the stones. When you listen to your mother and finish testing everything, I will give you something delicious. "