Rong Susu Playing With A Leopard!

The bullet screen of the Magic Box was so full of comments that Ye Qianli was speechless. However, she was also a little worried and leaned into Her Highness 'arms.

Rong Mo hugged the person who was sticking close to him tightly, he liked the way she was like a little bird, snuggling into his embrace. Hence, he didn't plan to explain that the group of domain lord level warriors that suddenly appeared weren't beastmen, they should be Yinggu and the others.

This was still considered ...

"Do you know why the orcs want to capture you?" Rong Mohuan asked solemnly.

Hearing this, Ye Qianli shrank back into his embrace and asked, " Why? " She was really confused about this matter. Why didn't she understand?

"Silly, of course, because you're beautiful." Rong Mo said, his tone turning from serious to teasing.