Divine Fire Group Beaten Xue Yin!

“!”Hearing this, everyone in the cave opened their eyes and stared at Xue Yin and Ye Qianli, knowing that the former was about to make trouble.

As for Xue Yin, he had never made a move since he entered the Primordial Cultivation Field for more than ten years. He had always only cultivated in the Snow Abyss, so his name was not on the Primordial Roll.

Now ...

"Xue Yin is finally going to make a move before the King of the Myriad Territories 'throne inheritance?" Some of the elites of the clans were already muttering excitedly.

Many people had heard of Xue Yin's strength, but he rarely fought with others. To him, precious time should be used for cultivation and not for fighting.

Moreover, he was the Snow King's beloved disciple and had a noble status. No one would dare to challenge him. Therefore, the name Xue Yin seemed to only exist in legends.