Ye Qianli's Yin Yang Strategy!

At that moment, the outskirts of Primordial City were immersed in a strange silence. The spectating paragons could still smell the thick stench of blood, but the desperate pleas, cries, and cries of the Void Zone's inhabitants had all disappeared.

The Glass Alliance members were still counting the spoils of war. The corpses of the dead Void Zone people had been searched. It was truly like plucking feathers from a wild goose! Not a single one was left.

The elites of the various clans could not help but think that if the higher-ups of the Void Zone or the Void Zone Master saw this scene, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood and die.  

However, even if they did not see it, it was not difficult for the paragons present to imagine how furious the Void Zone's Realmlord would be when he received the news! He probably wanted to skin Ye Qianli and the others alive.