Battle for the Mystic Realm!

Long Ying Yun's answer was very certain. He could try his best to repay the Dragon Clan, but he couldn't leave the Golden Phoenix. If he was going to lose his loved ones in his life, he would rather not live.

He wanted to be like Jin Feng, living the life of Rong Mo and Ye Qianli's family. He didn't want to be like his father, scheming against all the beauties in the palace! He had been scheming from beginning to end.

Maybe ...

He was really not suitable to be the young master of the dragon clan.

Moreover, since his father had decided to let him marry the Dragon Lady of the Eastern Sea, he did not intend to maintain the pure true dragon bloodline of the Southern Sea Dragon race. He did not have to insist anymore.

He had thought about all of this very clearly, so he answered with certainty. His eyes were also very firm. Jin Feng could see it, so she held it! The man's hand in front of her.

If he didn't regret it, why should she hesitate?