Fall Out With All Pretense!

Ye Qianli, who had fully erupted, finally broke through Qin Banruo's domain of the War God. She was like the iconic weapon of the Taiyi Race, the Taiyi Spear, breaking through the twilight! It shone through the entire arena.


Qin Banruo, who was like a little giant, was sent flying by Ye Qianli's advanced power! His entire body was like an arrow that had left the bow as he flew out.


The terrifying ten-strength attack smashed Qin Banruo fiercely into the Cliff of Oblivion. The extremely hard Cliff of Oblivion was shaken so much that it emitted suspicious cracking sounds.


Qin Ban Ruo himself was blasted until he spat out a mouthful of blood. His entire aura was also dispirited to the extreme, as if he had no strength to fight anymore.

One strike! Defeated.


Such a result caused the entire arena to fall into a momentary silence. Even some Domain Monarchs had expected Ye Qianli to win because she had shown great confidence.