Chapter 1395-The Glass Art Is Indestructible! _1

Ye Qianli caught the soft child and looked up at Rong Mo, who had been waiting for her for a long time. She smiled and said, " Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Highness. "

Her " polite " smile caused Rong Mo's eyes to freeze slightly, but his heart felt a strange disturbance, causing him to purse his thin lips.

"Cold! I've been waiting for you for a long time." Lil Yi 'er's speech was much faster now, but he spoke slower. His enunciation was soft and cute, and he had the same imposing manner as his boss. It was quite a contrast.

Ye Qianli's heart softened as she heard that. She said in a gentler tone, " It's been hard on Meiyi. "

"Father is waiting for Yi." Little Yi 'er expressed that his father had waited the longest.

Ye Qianli turned to look at Her Highness and saw that he was still looking at her with his thin lips pursed. It seemed that he was a little unhappy because of her " politeness ". But it didn't seem like it.
