Dragon King Reappears!

Even if it was just a phantom, the supreme might emitted from the pair of dragon eyes! It shook the hearts of the Domain Monarchs, and their hearts palpitated.

This was only just formed and had not even become clear! It already had such terrifying power, how could it not make one's heart palpitate? However, no matter which Domain Monarch it was, they did not know what this Dark Dragon represented.

Even Dragon King, who was observing in the dark! He did not know either…

"You don't know either?" The High Priest's eyes flashed. He was quite surprised. He thought that the Dragon King would know everything.

"I don't know, but I once heard Master say that the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground isn't something he can summon as he pleases. It needs to meet certain rules and requirements. Then I think its appearance might be a sign." Dragon King answered.