The Wife of My Heart!

Ye Qianli's clear voice echoed through the Heaven Hunting Realm and the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground along with the war drums. It even woke up those who were cultivating.

"Whose voice is that?" Many people who didn't know the truth were at a loss. They didn't know what exactly happened, but they were all " forced " to eat melons.

Because of the war drums that filled the sky! The law that seemed to have spread through the space spread into everyone's eardrums and souls, making it impossible for them not to hear it.

Who was it? She could actually make the war drums of the Heavenly Dao Hunting Ground sound for her?

Who was it? To prevent the person who spoke from being with her husband?

Who was it?

"Who is this?" Thousands of cultivators looked curiously at the void, listening to the statement that they had to hear. They could hear the long-lasting and unwavering love in it.