Father Is Here!

It was Ye Qianli's voice! It was as clear as flowing water. It was not intense or turbulent, but it flowed endlessly. " She has her dignity, and I have mine. Those who trampled on their dignity had to pay the price.

The power of the strong! It wasn't used to bully the weak, to steal what others loved, to force others into a corner, or to give oneself to others.

The power of the strong was to protect their dignity! Protect the love of one's life! Free and powerful, free from war! We will be free from suffering, from being in danger, and from being in panic."

Such faith! It contained everything about Ye Qianli's past and present life. It was her who stood on the battlefield and walked the path of a military doctor, constantly improving herself! The source of strength that did not struggle.

Ji Wushuang played with power, power, and life and death…Therefore, even if someone thought that she was calculative or aggressive, she would take it seriously.

So ...
