Heavenly Knowledge Temple's Wild Dao!

Myriad Domain.

Zhitian Temple.

"Junior apprentice-brother has entered the wilderness." Wu Dao, who had red lips and white teeth, and a tender face, suddenly revealed a gratified expression. His pair of eyes that hid all warmth revealed an excited madness.

"Junior apprentice-brother has been provoked." Second Senior Brother Kong Wu said worriedly. He was afraid that his junior brother would not be able to control himself and take it back.

However, Wu Dao smiled faintly and said, " Little Junior Brother will return. Don't worry. " The Youngest Brother had something to worry about and was attached to the secular world. He would definitely be able to control the wild morality, stabilize his Taoist heart, and return to the Zhitian Abbey.

"I hope so." The powerful Second Senior Brother scratched his fierce face in a dilemma. He was still very worried, but his master did not let them help his junior brother. He could not do anything.