Comparing People Makes You Puke Blood!

Rong Mo, who had already tidied up his clothes, lost all interest. He disappeared from the room and appeared in front of Dragon King. " Uncle Dragon King? "

"No worries." Although Dragon King's voice was weak and he was not in good spirits, there were no injuries on his body. There was no problem with his cultivation aura either. It seemed that he was just tired.

"Uncle Dragon King." Rong Ze and the other kids followed her out because they saw that Ye Qianli was fine.

At this moment, Ye Qianli also grabbed a certain naked little one and came out together. " Uncle Dragon King. "

Grandpa Dragon King, what's wrong? " Yi 'er asked worriedly.

Dragon King had never seen Lil 'Yi' er shrink before. After all, this little one had only shrunk after hiding under the dragon's scales. She only came out after she grew bigger.

So ...

"Yi 'er?" Dragon King was shocked.