Those Who Insulted My Father Will Die!

The Origin of the Dark Seal sneered and looked at Rong Mo with a faint smile. " I didn't expect that you would be called this. You're still wet behind the ears. "

Rong Mo's face darkened. His dark eyes shone with a cold light, like a cold moon or a cruel blade, revealing a substantial killing intent.

"What? Do you want to kill your father?" The Genesis of the Dark Seal smiled meaningfully. He looked more and more like a person. In Rong Mo's eyes, his aura was as cold as frost.

If there was anyone in this world that Rong Mo could admire from the bottom of his heart! There was only one person he admired, and that was his father, the black-hearted father in his heart.

Now, the origin of the Dark Seal was getting closer to his father's appearance, which made him want to destroy it! Even though he knew that the other party was trying to anger him and use his negative emotions to manipulate him and achieve the ultimate goal of controlling him.