The God-Killing Spider King Is Super Cute!

Yao Tianbin did not expect that not long after he left, Red Knife would take out a Taiyi Divine Flower. Within the swaying petals, there was a thumb-sized blood-purple spider.

"Burp ~" The blood-purple spider burped twice. It was obvious that it had just eaten its fill. The eyes of the eight spiders narrowed slightly, revealing a carefree satisfaction.

After all, the demon poison that Yao Tianbin had given him had been eaten by it!

This blood-purple spider was the God-killing Spider King that had mutated and gained intelligence. Because it was obedient enough and knew what was good for it, it was sent to Red Knife to prevent Yao Tianbin from playing any tricks.

"You're eating happily." Red Knife was also amused by the Spider King's appearance. " Do you know what kind of poison it is? "