Omnipotent Sumeru Huang

"Yi 'er." Ye Qianli looked up at the little boy who was kissing her forehead. She felt as if her heart was being held in the spring breeze and was about to melt.

Yi 'er's eyes sparkled as he looked at his mother after he got a response. He then smiled, " Mother, are you alright? "

"Yes." Ye Qianli kissed her son's tender face and hugged him. " Yi 'er is awesome! " It's Mother's little cotton-padded jacket."

Hence, Lil Yi 'er, who was acting all high and mighty just a second ago, hugged his little head and rubbed his mother's neck in embarrassment. He smiled shyly like a painting.

Seeing this, Yun Zhixi leaned forward and hugged her daughter-in-law and grandson tightly.

After a while…

Yun Zhixi let go of her hand and asked, " Qianli, did you dream that Momo was in danger? "

"Hmm?" Ye Qianli looked up in confusion, but she couldn't recall the scene in her dream.

"You don't remember?" Ye Wuji asked from the side.