If You Intend to Give a Racing Car, You Should Just Give an Expensive One Instead

The racing club He Fei mentioned was called 'Extreme'.

When they arrived at the entrance, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie strode towards them in a welcoming manner.

"Fourth Young Master He, Young Master Ouyang, and the two young ladies, welcome. Please come inside."

He Fei introduced Zi Yi to the manager. "This is Chen Tong, the manager here and you can just directly tell him if you need anything. He can get you anything."

Chen Tong smiled modestly from the praise. "I cannot take all the credit. It's because Extreme has a large influence."

"Haha…" He Fei really did not have the air of a young master. He put his arm on Chen Tong's shoulders and said, "Bring us to view the supercars here with the best specs. As long as you can cause Little Yiyi to take a fancy to any of the cars, I'll buy you a drink."