Who Shall Wash the Dishes?

Lu Jingye made green pepper with shredded potatoes, braised pork ribs, fried beef with asparagus, and tomato egg soup.

As they sat down, the fragrance instantly wafted into Zi Yi's nose.

"Lu Jingye, it's unexpected that you can cook."

"It's just a few home-cooked dishes." Lu Jingye pointed at the dishes. "Have a taste. I don't know if you can manage spicy food so I didn't add any chili."

Zi Yi took a bite and her eyes instantly narrowed in bliss. "It's delicious, and I can eat spicy food."

After that, both of them started to eat.

Lu Jingye did not expect such a cute reaction from her when she ate something she liked, but he stopped looking at her and began to eat.

Neither of them spoke throughout the meal.

When they were done, Zi Yi remained seated and looked at Lu Jingye eagerly.

He looked back at her with a puzzled gaze.