Continue Searching, Contact the Police if You Can’t Locate Her

Not long after Zi Yi returned, she saw the news that several people had been killed.

However, the police had found the camcorder she had hidden, which coincidentally caught the whole process of how those hooligans were murdered. Right now, the man and the women were wanted by the police.

Li Peirong had also learned the news of those hooligan's deaths.

Upon receiving a call, Li Peirong panicked. "How could it be possible? Why were they killed? Did that slut do it? No, it's impossible! That slut does not have such great capabilities. Perhaps she asked He Fei to do it."

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she was that the police would find her and she could not sit still.

When Zi Xu returned in the evening, she asked, "Ah Xu, have the men you sent to locate Yiyi found her yet? I've been feeling anxious the whole day, as if something is about to happen. What if something happens to Yiyi?"