Unfilial Daughter

Not long after Zi Yi woke up the next day, she noticed several of Lu Jingye's bodyguards outside her gates.

When she opened the door, one of them greeted her and said, "Hello Miss Zi, we are the bodyguards sent by Second Young Master last night to protect you."

"Last night?"

"Yes. We were standing guard near your house last night. As we were worried we would disturb you, we did not come close."

She thought that those killers would return to deal with her last night and it was no wonder why they had not appeared in the end. As it turned out, these bodyguards were nearby.

She then said, "I don't need bodyguards."

She had many alterations to complete these few days and she did not intend for outsiders to know about them.

"Miss Zi, there's no need to worry. We only came to greet you today and we will be at least ten meters away on usual days. We will not disturb you."

Zi Yi frowned, took out her phone, and called Lu Jingye.