How Are You Feeling Now?

While Lu Jingye gave orders to his bodyguards, Zi Yi probed the surroundings with her mental powers. She discovered a large group of people on both sides and it was evident that they had encountered each other.

She then turned to Lu Jingye and said in a complicated tone, "There are many people who want your life."

"I'm sorry."

"What's there to apologize for? If you weren't such a busybody and stayed in a safe place, I believe they would not dare to attack your house either."

Lu Jingye pursed his lips and did not answer.

Zi Yi snorted in discontentment and muttered, "If I wasn't aware of your disinterest in women, I would have believed you like me."

Her eyes flickered and she suddenly approached him and softly called out, "Lu Jingye."

When he turned around to look at her, she tip-toed and kissed his cheek while he was caught off guard.


Lu Jingye's expression froze.