Wagging Tongues

The annual international Racing Competition kicked off at the Capital's International Circuit.

Today, racing enthusiasts from all over the world were gathered here. There was unconcealed excitement and happiness all over their faces.

While they waited for the opening of the grandstand, they listened to the announcer's impassioned commentary of which racing teams were going to participate in the race today.

"Ahh! My favorite racing prince, Alvin, is sure to win the championship today!"

"I'm here for the Wind God. In my heart, he is the only one worthy of the Racing King title."

"My dark horse prince, Ito… Ahhh! You will certainly still be that dark horse on the racetrack."

Countless men and women screamed the names of their favorite racers. Their shouts were so loud that they had travelled across the race track and attracted a group of reporters who constantly took close-up shots of them.