I Dare You to Touch My Robots

Deep in the night, Zi Yi's phone suddenly rang.

It was an alarm sent by the robots. Zi Yi suddenly opened her eyes, sat up, and glanced at her phone.

Several red dots were displayed on the screen.

The red dots each indicated an individual who broke into her house.

Zi Yi's expression darkened and she snorted. She pushed the quilt away, got dressed, and headed outside.

Was there ever going to be an end to this? Why are they here again?

Just as Zi Yi came downstairs, the housekeeper came out from a passageway. "Miss Zi, what are you doing?"

Zi Yi never expected the housekeeper to be so sensitive. She said, "It's nothing. I couldn't fall asleep, so I'm going out for a walk."

After that, she continued walking outside.

How could the housekeeper possibly believe she merely went out for a walk? It was the dead of night right now and something must have happened. He immediately tagged along.