Chapter‌ ‌141: ‌Unless‌ ‌You‌ ‌Become‌ ‌My‌ ‌Boyfriend‌

Zi Yi had searched for a long time. There were several masked men on the net, but none of them matched with the guy she wanted to find out.

In the end, she changed her focus to Lu Yunxiao, Lu Jingye's younger brother.

"Their heights and physique are the same. Lu Yunxiao is also good with the whip. But… why didn't he admit it?"

The more she pondered, the stranger she felt it was. However, she could not identify what was the strange part.

"Forget it. I might as well ask Lu Jingye when he's back."

Early the next morning, Zi Yi saw the housekeeper waiting in the living room the moment she went downstairs.

"Miss Zi, good morning."

"Good morning."

The housekeeper said to her, "Miss Zi, the workers will be arriving soon. Why don't you return to the villa and have your breakfast there?"

Zi Yi looked at him, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

She took a few steps and realized that the housekeeper did not tag along.