Didn’t You Say You Would Wait Three Months?

Zi Yi intended to transform the bar and the racing club to be fully automated by an AI (Artificial Intelligence) service system.

After dinner, she headed for the bedroom and researched more about the best enterprises in the high-tech industry on her laptop.

Only then, did she realize that the Lu Group also dealt within the high-tech industry.

"Lu Group covers a wide range of fields." Zi Yi recalled Lu Jingye's meddling and unconsciously smiled. "With so many tasks on hand, it still can't stop you from being a busybody. Could it be that you've fallen in love with me at first sight?"

Thinking of this, she subconsciously glanced at her phone. She originally intended to send him a message. The moment her hands reached out, she gave up on that thought.

"Forget it. You'll start meddling if I contact you."

She then continued typing on her keyboard at a fast speed.