It Was That Woman Who Said She Was Going to Beat Me Up!

The group of young masters and young ladies' expressions turned ashen.

Dou Zerui narrowed his eyes as he said in a low voice, "Who said my cousin seduced He Fei and Ouyang Ming?"

Dou Xiangling had also spoken up in anger. "You people who claim to be from high-society are really a joke. Just because my cousin is pretty, it has suddenly turned into that she is seducing people from your circle?"

The Dou family was a scholarly family and they never regarded themselves as people from high society.

The expressions on the siblings' faces were ugly.

Dou Zerui said, "If you really insist on talking about this topic, isn't it He Fei who used the influence of the He family to force my cousin!?"

"As for that Ouyang Ming, are all of you blind? Don't you know why my cousin put him in the hospital?"

Dou Zerui's tone was very aggressive and the expressions of those privileged brats turned uglier.