I Apologize For My Previous Attitude

The place Dou Xiangling invited her to was a private restaurant with a stylish and antique interior.

Upon entering, the front yard was decorated with various types of flowers and a grape trellis on the left side. Various long chairs were also placed in the vicinity for guests to enjoy the scenery.

They arrived at the backyard after walking through the front yard.

There was a large pool in the middle of the backyard and there was an octagon pavilion situated in the middle of the pool. A woman dressed in white robes while wearing a veil was currently playing an instrument. Around the woman were several other dancers dressed in antique clothes.

Artificial smoke was released in the surroundings of the pavilion, making the place look celestial.

The table for guests was placed near the pool and separated by screens. Guests would be able to spectate the performance in the pavilion and at the same time, they would not disturb another table.