Second Uncle’s Team Was Accused of Stealing Core Technology

As soon as the reporters saw Professor Dou's team walking out, they immediately swarmed around them like bees to their hive.

"Professor Dou, it is rumored that the robot you brought with you today is the same robot you used to participate in the International Robot Competition. Some people pointed out that your chip's technology was stolen from a core technology of Y Group. How do you explain this?"

A male reporter immediately raised the question when he approached. The other reporters were instantly silent. Professor Dou, who was talking to another group of people, turned around.

Professor Dou's expression instantly became stern. He asked a question instead of answering the one directed at him, "Before you ask this question, do you have any evidence to prove your point?"

When Professor Dou became stern, the people surrounding him did not even dare to utter a single sound.