I Intend to Apply for The Philology Major

When Zi Yi received a call from the Admission Office, she had just finished testing out the racing car, on which she had installed wings.

The teacher's voice was particularly kind over the phone. "Student Zi, I wonder if you have decided on what major you would like to apply for?"

Zi Yi had already decided ages ago. "I intend to apply for the Philology Major."

"Huh!" The other party was surprised. "Student Zi, are you sure?"


Before the admission teacher hung up the phone, she said, "In fact, there's still time for you to reconsider." After which, she hung up.

Zi Yi did not take it seriously and continued her car modifications.

Not long later, she received phone calls from various popular subjects in the Metropolis University. They all advised her to reconsider and at the same time, promoted their major.