Silver Fox Appearing

Zi Yi's gaze focused and she hastily looked out the window.

Concurrently, a woman wearing a white fox mask and white antique style dress appeared in her sight.

In the blink of an eye, that woman had approached the front of her car with a strong murderous aura.

Zi Yi was amazed. "Could this be the so-called martial arts of ancient Earth!"

The murderous aura she radiated seemed as if it was about to materialize and shatter Zi Yi's racing car into pieces.

Zi Yi stared at the hazy eyes concealed behind the fox mask and sat there like a mountain.

Robot A's voice sounded. "Master, this individual's strength value is very high."

"How high?" Zi Yi's lips curled up. "I'd like to see if ancient Earth's martial arts are more powerful than future science and technology."

Having said that, she pressed a button beside her and her car shone brightly under the sun.