Tested by Future Mother-In-Law

Zi Yi was surprised when she received a call from Song Lingluo.

Song Lingluo said in a gentle tone, "Little Zi, we mentioned having tea together the previous time. Are you available today? Why don't we have tea together?"

Zi Yi had guessed the reason for the invite and agreed to it.

The place Song Lingluo decided on was an antique tea house and there was also a troupe performance inside.

Zi Yi was directly led inside by Song Lingluo's bodyguards when she arrived.

Looking at Song Lingluo, whose attention was on the performance, Zi Yi called out, "Sister Song."

Song Lingluo heard Zi Yi's voice and she felt mixed emotions.

She could not believe that the young lady she fancied at first sight was someone shrouded in rumors.

In the end, she decided to test out the young lady. If her personality turned out to be as it was rumored, she could only take on the role of an evil person and separate Zi Yi from her son.