When a Son is of Age, He No Longer Listens to His Mother!

Mrs. Lu explained Ouyang Yu's condition to Zi Yi, while they ate cherries. "Ouyang Yu broke her lumbar spine. When I returned to the temple, Mrs. Ouyang had already left with her."

Zi Yi originally intended for Ouyang Yu to get beaten by her bodyguards and expose her in the end. She never expected the situation to escalate to its current severity. However, at the thought of that mother and daughter pair's scheme, she did not feel sorry for them in the slightest.

The three of them remained at the temple until after four in the afternoon, before they then left.

Mrs. Lu pulled Zi Yi's hand when they arrived at the car park. "Little Zi, come and accompany me in the future whenever you're free."

Zi Yi obviously would not reject her offer. "Sure, Auntie Lu!"

After they chattered for a few more minutes, Zi Yi headed for her racing car.

Mrs. Lu's complexion paled at the sight of her racing car as she thought of its speed.