Because I Miss You Very Much

Zi Yi explained the situation to him briefly.

While Zhou Shiyu was staring at him, Lu Jingye walked up to him, glanced at the checkbook in his hand, and calmly said, "The Zhou family's assets are worth 36 billion, you have 5.4 billion under you. Two-thirds of them are fixed assets. Yiyi received 13.5 billion from the international racing competition. This is not including the fixed assets of the bar and the racing club. Do you think your money is considered a huge sum in her eyes?

Zhou Shiyu found it weird when Lu Jingye brought up his family assets. When he heard what he said in the end, his face suddenly felt hot and his expression repeatedly changed.

Zi Yi, who was sitting down, laughed. She even added fuel to the fire. "He offered me 10 million to reject his younger brother from joining my club. Originally, I had already rejected him, but now that he's done this, I suddenly feel like accepting his younger brother as a racer."
