The Best Way to Shut Them Up is to Show Them Your Skills

Dou Xiaoyong was unhappy with his attitude, but he still said, "I'm only using the retrofit machine to modify the control panel."

"Go ahead, but this student can always wait downstairs."

Zi Yi looked up and just happened to make eye contact with the middle-aged man.

She detected displeasure in his eyes.

Zi Yi said, "Professor Dou, if there are school regulations, I'll wait for you by the stairs. You can help me with the modification."

Professor Dou furrowed his brows. His motive today was to see how skilled Zi Yi was and he would certainly not do it on her behalf.

"Even though there are rules forbidding students on the third floor, there's no rule that researchers' assistants are now allowed here. You're now my assistant and so what if you're here?"

After that, he turned to the middle-aged man and sternly said, "Professor Chen, Little Zi is my assistant. You have no right to forbid her from coming up."