Lu Jingye: I Suddenly Feel Like Having an Exchange of Pointers With You

Rick smiled, but there was a massive storm in the depths of his eyes.

He took out his phone and brought out the video recording that contained the first half of the conversation he had with Zi Yi. With an expression as if concerned about a friend, he said, "As you know, I've always wanted for you to become my brother-in-law. Therefore, I was concerned about your relationship. If you truly have someone you like, I won't say anything about it. Therefore, I went to meet with the woman in the rumors."

After he said that, he deliberately asked, "You won't be angry, right?"

Lu Jingye did not answer him, but he took Rick's phone and checked out the recording.

When Zi Yi mentioned wanting to have Rick's entire assets, Rick sneered. "Take a look, this woman is very greedy. If she is someone you like, you have to be careful."

Lu Jingye lowered his eyes and thought, "So this is what she likes."