You Actually Hit My Car!

Little Loli's body jumped into the air and directly landed on the cliff. She then easily plucked several Blood Lotuses and passed them to Lu Jingye.

He then motioned for one of his men, "Pack them up."

After the Blood Lotuses were packed, all of them headed to the valley that Lu Jingye had mentioned earlier and a helicopter soon arrived.

Zi Yi glanced at Lu Jingye and he nodded back. Following that, she and Little Loli got on the helicopter.

When the helicopter arrived at the capital, it was already the next day.

It was currently 9 a.m in the morning and the helicopter had directly landed in the backyard of Lu Jingye's villa.

The housekeeper was already waiting there for her arrival.

The moment he saw Zi Yi alighting, he immediately went over and took her luggage. "Miss Zi, welcome home."

"Long time no see."

Just then, Little Loli who alighted next had also greeted the housekeeper. "Hello!"