
After they were done talking about business, Dou Xiangling asked about Zi Yi's results from the trip, before she finally told her what happened on her side.

"One of my colleagues asked for a favor of introducing her to Elder Bai and I had originally agreed to it. But afterward, I heard her talking behind my back saying that I only got to know Elder Bai and the rest through my family connections and that I'm an insignificant person. Therefore, I refused to help her."

Zi Yi sneered in response. "This type of person honestly thinks they are all that important. What's her name? I'll take care of her for you."

"There's no need. I'll take care of her myself."

Zi Yi did not say anything else after she saw Dou Xiangling's determined expression.

Following that, she talked about the opening of her bar. "I plan to open for business in a few days, just right before the school semester begins."