Throw These Two People Out

Zi Yi left the control room and she had to walk past the dancing floor.

The tracks the DJ had selected were the most popular ones, and there were numerous men and women who were dancing while screaming. They gave off a vibe like a herd of madly dancing demons.

Other than the dance floor, the other areas were also filled with crowds of people, especially the bar and fruit counter. The screams of the women were simply deafening.

Not long after she left, she saw two handsome men walking in her direction.

One of them had called out to her.

"Boss Zi."

Zi Yi stopped walking and asked, "What's the matter?"

The two men approached her and were amazed by her beauty. One of the men had even blushed.

Zi Yi found them puzzling. "If you need anything, call for the waiters. My waiter robots can solve all your problems."

Having said that, she was about to continue heading towards Room A1.