Student Zi, Please Tell The Truth!

Leader Zhang's aura had instantly pressurized everyone in the vicinity.

All of them could not help but think deep down, "The courage of this student from M.Uni is commendable."

Everyone was waiting for the moment where she cried from fright.

However, no matter how long they waited, Zi Yi did not cry. Instead, Leader Zhang suddenly said to her, "Follow me."

Immediately after, he led Zi Yi somewhere else.

Everyone craned their necks and only stopped after they had walked far away.

"Say, what will Student Zi say to our leader?"

"I'm not sure what they would talk about, but I am sure of one thing. Student Zi is not afraid of our leader."

"This is the first time I've seen a girl other than sister-in-law who is not fearful of the powerful aura leader deliberately releases. What kind of background do you think that Student Zi has?"

"She's from the capital and perhaps she has a powerful backing."