Zi Yi, How Can You Do This? Looking at Handsome Guys is Everyone’s Right

It was already past 7 p.m when Zi Yi came out from the operating room.

At first glance, she saw Lu Jingye standing outside in the yard waiting for her.

A stream of warmth flowed in her heart.

"Ah Jing."

Lu Jingye watched her walk towards him and he raised his hands to pin her hair behind her ears. "Are you hungry?"

Zi Yi nodded.

Lu Jingye held her hand and they walked to the main hall together.

When they walked in, Leader Zhang, Instructor Li, and Li Xia were already seated at the table as they waited for them.

The table was also filled with different types of dishes.

Leader Zhang laughed and said when he saw them walking in, "Little Zi, you're finally out. Come over and take a seat. Why didn't you say that it's your birthday today? I just had the kitchen prepare a cake for you, they should be sending it out shortly.

Because of you, we'll be able to try the dishes Little Lu personally cooked himself."