It’s Pretty Late Now, Let’s Wash up and Prepare for Bed

When they walked out from the side door, Mrs. Lu was already waiting there.

She smiled as she looked at the two people who walked out with their hands entwined together, before her gaze landed on the clothes Lu Jingye had on his arm.

"Jingye, why did you bring Little Zi's performance costume with you?"

Zi Yi revealed a smile and went over to hug her arm. "Ah Jing said that since I'm the only one who can wear this costume, we'll buy it and keep it instead."

Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Jingye with an understanding smile.

Lu Jingye had an indifferent expression on his face, as if it was normal for him to have done that.

Mrs. Lu shook her head deep down.

A mother knew their son the best. This brat clearly loved how Little Zi looked with this costume on, which was why he had specially bought it. Yet, he still found such a grandiose reason to mask his real intentions.