I Have a Method to Make Lu Jingye Obediently Marry Your Younger Sister, Do You Want to Know About It?

"Even Auntie Lu had personally done the work, why can't I do the same?" Aisha's stubborn temper flared up. "I don't care. No matter what, I have to learn about the jade business."

"If you learn this, then what about your favorite dance?"

"I… I can give up on dancing."

"No way!"

Rick's voice rose several pitches higher out of agitation and he said, "You can't give up on your favorite dancing!"

Aisha remained silent, but she still had a determined expression on her face.

Rick was angry and yet anxious at the same time. Even when he slept at night, he had been tossing and turning around.

Just when he was thinking hard about how to dissuade Aisha from having such thoughts, his phone suddenly rang.

He grabbed his phone to check the caller ID and what he saw was an unknown number.

He immediately ended the call.

Unexpectedly, it started ringing again.