I’ve Taken a Fancy to Miss Zi. Mr. Meng, Do You Want to Cooperate With Me?

Everyone thought that Count Alistar would say a few words to Zi Yi. Yet, he shifted his gaze away and raised his hand. The servant brought the wine over and he lifted a glass as he said, "Tonight's dinner banquet is held rather late this time and I believe the various contestants are also tired. I have got my men to prepare a buffet and resting area for everyone to take a break, so that you can chat while having something to eat as you converse.

I'm an enthusiast of paintings and so, there's no need for everyone to restrict yourselves due to my presence. You can simply treat me as your fan."

After Count Alistair finished his speech, he raised his glass. "As a fan, I'm proposing a toast to everyone."

Following that, the crowd drank the wine together.

Soothing music sounded at the same time. Count Alistair and the group of people emptied the center position and those who liked to dance took up the space.